Partnering with Reserve Squad means being a leader in the modern workforce.
Leverage the full spectrum of the current available workforce, including caregivers, retirees, and other freelance talent to fill your staffing needs.
Strengthen your contingent workforce by adding a new channel made up of your own talent or tap into our community of Reservists to add to your team.
- Reservists ready and available to step in when you need additional resources. Unlike contingency or temp support, Reservists are loyal members of your company – ensuring quality, consistency and commitment.
- Support in bridging your gender gap with a program specifically catered to the women within your organization.
- Alumni who can bring invaluable insights, internal networks, and a deep understanding of how your systems work to accelerate project success.
Our Founder's Story
As a young working mother, Teresa Tanner noticed something about the leaders in her company. They were all men, and they all had something she did not: someone at home taking care of the house and family.
She discussed this with her husband, and together, they decided to take a radical step. Instead of leaving the workforce as more than a third of working women do to focus on their home life, Teresa opted to stay on the job. Her husband, however, stepped back from his career. He supported his family by supporting his wife.
Decision Time:
It was a decision that shaped Teresa’s family for decades. It also was a decision that shaped her career. Having dedicated support at home freed her from the strain most other women face in trying to manage two full-time jobs at once. It also paved the path for her workplace inclusion.
True Experience:
As she rose to the highest levels of corporate America over the span of 30 years, Teresa never took that support for granted. Instead, she delivered innovative benefits to help women succeed in the workplace and at home. Programs like a free maternity concierge, mentorships and leadership groups were a start. But, she knew they were not enough. She needed stronger employee retention strategies.
She left the corporate world to focus on efforts to reinvent it as a more welcoming, more supportive and more equitable environment; a place where women could thrive. Where women could find work that works for them.
Reserve Squad is the result of those efforts.
At Reserve Squad,
we know you want to be an employer of choice for top talent. In order to do that, you need to support your employees through each of their life phases.
The problem is that women are often forced to choose between caregiving and a career. This dichotomy leaves you with high female turnover and a wider gender gap, which makes you feel stressed and overwhelmed.
We believe the female laborforce, especially working moms, has gone unsupported for too long. We understand because we are mothers, which is why we’ve built an innovative solution to the problem called Reserve Squad.
Here’s how it works:
- Top employers create a new lane, a on-demand employment option for their female talent (Reservists) who need more flexibility in their career.
- The Reservists remain connected and engaged with their company. They continue to develop and learn alongside their coworkers. On a schedule that works for them and their family.
- And, their company leverages their unique talents and skills when they need additional resources.
So, book a free consultation of Reserve Squad to see how it works at your organization.
And in the meantime, sign up for free to the Reserve Squad newsletter to learn how you can better support your company’s women. So you can stop losing your female talent and instead, become a top employer for all.